Category Graphic Design

A New Post for a New Start

Design Research

Design Research post­grad exhib­i­tion at LCC

This is the first post of a new beginning/dawning/epoch. The MA is over. The show is up (and nearly over). Most of the work by all the post­grad stu­dents fin­ish­ing in 2011 can be seen here. I can be found here

Standards of professional practice — AIGA

Hi, I was brows­ing AIGA web­site, and I found out the organ­iz­a­tion has set up stand­ards for pro­fes­sion­al prac­tice in 1996. I am not sure if they have updated ver­sion but this this is what they have on the website:

Proposal for a Constitution

In light of what we dis­cussed on Wednesday both in the group meet­ing and sem­in­ar I wanted to col­lect togeth­er all the things I would like to see in a pro­fes­sion­al body for visu­al com­mu­nic­at­ors. This is very much what I per­son­ally would like to see in a pro­fes­sion­al body so not every­one will agree. It is also very much a draft, not exhaust­ive and as a pro­fes­sion­al body is quite a prag­mat­ic thing to pro­pose I wanted to be ideal­ist­ic in what I think its remit and pur­pose should be. I am refer­ring to it as a con­sti­tu­tion (very American) for want of a bet­ter word and to avoid call­ing it a mani­festo. There are lots of grey edges to some of the state­ments as we dis­cussed as a group but I wanted to make some state­ments based on gen­er­al prin­ciples initially.