Tag discourse

Political Posters

A poster From the Conservative Party seen in 2009

More attract­ive than David Cameron’s photgraph?

I felt I was inev­it­ably going to write some­thing about mani­festoes, pro­fes­sion­al bod­ies or a uni­on for my essay as well as these top­ics being the main focus of the group dis­cus­sion but I have for­tu­nately(!?) found anoth­er top­ic I’m inter­ested in, although I’m still try­ing to work out exactly what my angle will be.

Design Discourse

As part of the design dis­course ele­ment of the LLC P/T MA a dis­cus­sion group has been formed con­sist­ing of:

Ben Dunning (me)
Emily Fox
Kemal Gezer
Rebecca Lee
Tom Longmate
Eleanor Maclure

Our first meet­ing took place on 10/03/10 in the LCC lib­rary. An inter­est­ing debate quickly developed. Our ini­tial plan is to each re-read the design dis­course briefs key art­icles and then post on this blog a brief out­line of a pos­i­tion or idea that has been inspired by these texts or came out of our ini­tial talk