Author Rebecca Lee

Amateur Designer

Design made by the indi­vidu­al, their right to indi­vidu­al expres­sion but could this still be con­sidered noise in the visu­al world. Should train­ing be enforced and if so…how? There is the danger is that by cen­sor­ing the employ­er is no longer inter­ested in pay­ing for the real design­er and so the account­ant ends up doing it!.

Honesty of Images

There were a num­ber of threads of dis­cus­sion in this area that came from dis­cuss­ing the idea of the uni­on or a stand­ard­ised body. We struggled with (and prob­ably will through this exer­cise) to identi­fy the one area that would make for good eth­ic­al stand­ing in design. For Ben this was ‘hon­esty’. I find this really inter­est­ing as I com­pletely agree in eth­ic­al terms, how­ever I can­not see how this would ever be pos­sible when ‘design’ by its very nature is sub­ject­ive and a uni­ver­sally accep­ted under­stand­ing of images/culture would be needed.