
Awaywiththepixels.co.uk is the per­son­al site of Ben Dunning. In its cur­rent incarn­a­tion it is a plat­form to doc­u­ment, record and dis­cuss the work and find­ings he pro­duces as he pro­gresses through a part time MA in Graphic Design at the London College of Communication.

This may or may not be of use to oth­er people, but as he pay­ing for the host­ing regard­less it does­n’t really matter.

He is cur­rently teach­ing at and design­ing web inter­faces for Kingston College, Kingston Upon Thames, on the out­er south west fringes of Greater London. He also occa­sion­ally takes on a bit of freel­ance work too.

awtp is run from his mac