March 2010
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Day 24/03/2010

The group meets again

The dis­cus­sion today began with a brief look at what we are actu­ally doing: A mani­festo or some­thing else. The ideal­ism and pos­sibly wooly words of the First Thing First pos­i­tions, while being aims that we broadly sup­port as indi­vidu­als, are not real­ist­ic and do not make a last­ing dif­fer­ence to the way in which Graphic design­ers are viewed.

Organisations with the pur­pose of pro­mot­ing, sup­port­ing, edu­cat­ing but ulti­mately jus­ti­fy­ing a pro­fes­sion might have more long term influ­ence. This idea led to com­par­is­ons of the pro­fes­sion­al world of archi­tec­ture and the world of the Graphic Designer. Could we have a Graphic Designers RIBA: RIBVIS? RIBDES? GESCOM?