Political Posters

A poster From the Conservative Party seen in 2009

More attract­ive than David Cameron’s photgraph?

I felt I was inev­it­ably going to write some­thing about mani­festoes, pro­fes­sion­al bod­ies or a uni­on for my essay as well as these top­ics being the main focus of the group dis­cus­sion but I have for­tu­nately(!?) found anoth­er top­ic I’m inter­ested in, although I’m still try­ing to work out exactly what my angle will be.

During our first group dis­cus­sion I briefly touched upon polit­ic­al posters and imagery and the way polit­ics is rep­res­en­ted through Graphic Design by men­tion­ing a series of posters I recalled hav­ing seen dur­ing cov­er­age of the autumn Conservative Party con­fer­ence. After search­ing the web unsuc­cess­fully for some­time to find them I did what I should have done in the first place and vis­ited the Conservative Party offic­al web­site. It felt a bit wrong vis­it­ing it and I had the urge to purge my web his­tory and tem­por­ary inter­net files after­wards, just in case someone came along and used my com­puter and not­cied where I had been, but I finally man­aged to ration­al­ise my vis­it as a legit­im­ate bit of research.

What struck me about these posters was that they harked back to polit­ic­al posters of the past that stood out and worked as great pieces of graph­ic art (and pro­pa­ganda), even if you did­n’t neces­sar­ily agree with the sen­ti­ment. They appealed to the design­er in me.

Another recent art­icle I’ve come across also struck a cord with me about the rela­tion­ship between poster design and the illus­tra­tion of politi­cians, polit­ic­al ideas, ideo­logy and ideal­ism. The art­icle poses the ques­tion: why are our polit­ic­al posters not very good any­more. I agree with the writers pos­i­tion and hope that in my essay I can expand upon this.

I would love to see more designs like the Barack Obama Hope poster cre­ated by Shepard Fairey and less air­brushed photographs.


6 Comments so far. Leave a comment below.
  1. Tom,

    The span­ish civil war should be a good place to base some of your research.

    And you can try out your rhet­or­ic­al skills on the Tory’s cam­paign posters here.

  2. Emily,

    I think this is really inter­est­ing. Could it be that the lack of good design in polit­ics reflects a cer­tain apathy in young (design­er-type) voters? Perhaps if there was more of a dif­fer­ence between the parties, real causes to get your teeth into, we would have bet­ter design? Certainly Obama’s cam­paign caught the col­lect­ive ima­gin­a­tion in a way polit­ics over here (and over there) has­n’t in decades.

  3. Eleanor Maclure,

    If I had seen some of these posters (par­tic­u­larly the ones that are pre­dom­in­antly blue and green) and not known any­thing about them I would have prob­ably thought that they were for the Green party! I have always asso­ci­ated the Conservatives with being, well, con­ser­vat­ive and I would extend that view to their visu­al rep­res­ent­a­tion aswell. I guess what I really mean is that these posters look too good to be for the Conservatives!

  4. Kemal,

    I also think that the poster has been designed very well, but I agree that it does not really rep­res­ent Conservative party, even though the party has been try­ing to change their image, but their policy and who they stands have nev­er changed, so the poster is mis­guid­ing people, as Eleanor men­tioned above, it is like more Green Anti Climate camp­ing poster than a con­ser­vat­ive party poster. The his­tory of polit­ic­al pro­pa­ganda through poster design is very rich, so it is def­in­itely well worth to study.

  5. Emily,

    Read in the Standard today that they’ve just hired Saatchi because they’re in such a pan­ic over their shrink­ing lead…

  6. Eleanor,

    Yeah I read that too. There was a couple of pages devoted to it in the ES, made me think of this post. Alledgedly the bre­if was to tear chunks out of Gordon Brown. Seems like they might have giv­en up on the ‘being nice’ angle and gone back to their usu­al tactics

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