Circle, SQUARE, Triangle

Intersected squares made out of coloured paper

Intersected squares made out of col­oured paper — get­ting ahead of myself

We received the ini­tial feed­back today on our tent­at­ive for­ays into the first brief: Design Literacy. Although I did­n’t volun­teer to talk about my work dur­ing the sem­in­ar and was not called upon to talk about it either (could be both a good and bad thing) all the issues I have been exper­i­en­cing where dis­cussed in depth through oth­ers work.

Fortunately sev­er­al of my class­mates had approached their work sim­il­arly and where hav­ing sim­il­ar thoughts and prob­lems to myself. The upshot seems to be that I need to slow down and become more metic­u­lous in record­ing each step I take.

The pic­ture attached is reper­esent­at­ive of some work I had star­ted to do where I made and arranged my squares with col­oured paper. The 3d approach let me see the pos­sib­il­it­ies of shad­ows. Something I would not have noticed had I pro­duced all my work in Illustrator.

The shad­ow approach may be some­thing I come to.

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